Sunday, May 10, 2009


NEED I SAY MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!


Whats up My fans.. 1st birthday was a success.
Thanks to all my friends and family for all the gifts and cards..
If you couldn't tell I LUV CAKE..

My hands are a little sticky will post more later

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Lets go Yankees !!!

The Evil Empire is back. We spent alot this off season getting some new pitching and key free agents. First off to all the yankee haters out there, eat my dirty diaper and then some U F#$ks..
Looking forward to a big year from my real dad ( Johnny Damon ) I really like it when mommy gets goo goo when daddy is playing.
later Brianna Lorraine Damon

Put me in coach I'm ready to play

Mavericks baseball is back. We got some big shoes to fill this year. Were going for the trophy this year

Hey Dad and Uncle Chris Don't stink it up like my diaper this year, it will not be tolerated. you too clowns with be playing left and right bench warmer
and will be on diaper and drink duty all year.
( I would make you bone heads run laps but i have a feeding schedule to keep)

Brianna Lorraine ( # 57 aka the hurricane)

Brianna meets Great Grandpa Lyon

Whats up my people!!! Hangin with great grandpa Lyon. Oh do I have some dirt and stories to use against mom,( i think i will hold this chip till I am about 16 or 17) grandma E ( you bad ) Uncle Rick, we need to talk Text me on daddys cell

Sqaush of Sqaush

Hey friends Brianna here, don't worry I squashed the butternut squash..
What do you mean I have to eat this, these things are not cheerios

looks like my dad is cleaning up this mess



Grandma.. I have no idea who ate the Easter Bunny?? I think grandpa and uncle Chris had something to do with it.